Adventure School at Camp Peniel! Education packed with fun adventures, what a great combo! If you are immersed in homeschooling, online/virtual or maybe a mixture of all of the above we are excited to offer Adventure School at Camp Peniel Wednesdays this fall! Kids will participate in camp skills classes such as all-sports, archery, survival, trailrides and others! You can choose to come each week or certain weeks based on your needs.

WHO: Students  grades 1-8 involved with Home-school and/or Online/Virtual School

WHEN: September 18, October 23, November 20

TIME: 8:00 AM-3:30 PM

WHERE: Camp Peniel, 397 Peniel Path, Marble Falls, TX 78654

COST: $50/student/full day or $25/student/half day

Multi-child discount available only on full day ($10 off each additional child).

Includes: Activities, skill classes, lunch, Wi-Fi…

Questions: Contact Brian Anderson for more details and/or questions.