“She always enjoys Ms. Emily and the horses! Her counselors were attentive and in tune with girls in cabin, providing good Biblical encouragement for her.”
“It was amazing. I felt God work with me because I had a lot of struggles lately. The environment at Camp Peniel is unlike no other. When I went back home it just wasn’t the same atmosphere. Everyone prayed for one another and their faith was so strong and it was just what I needed and was looking for. I’m back home now but I miss the feeling of being so elated like I had never been before. It was life changing.”
“He definitely came back kinder to his brothers and compliant to us parents. He was excited to go to church on Sunday. Thanks for all you do!”
“Through His grace, she had the opportunity to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of Christ. She was able to experience branching out on her own a bit more and exercise the maturity that comes with growing in Christ. By the end of camp, she was invigorated with new zeal for the Lord. This wasn’t something new. This has always been our family’s experience at Camp Peniel going back for decades.”
“My husband and I prayed together for the first time and plan to continue to do so, especially with the children.”
“He accepted Jesus Christ into his heart!”
“We aren’t a religious family, but my children enjoyed the readings from the Bible. My daughter even requested a Bible that her counselor gave to her on the last day which she’s enjoying – thank you!”
“She was more diligent with memory verse work and stepping out of her comfort zone and getting to know new people.”
“God made it where I was really excited about memorizing verses and reading the Bible with KDs.”
“She would recite the phrases that were ‘chanted’ during the day like ‘Jesus Christ paid the price!’. She usually gets bored with Sunday School or VBS and I’ve wondered what she’s taking away from it. Camp Peniel was the perfect format for her to be open to receiving a message. About the same time as camp, she saw a baptism at church which opened the opportunity for her to ask questions about that. She seems excited to learn more and work towards knowing fully what it means to make a commitment to Christ and develop a spiritual relationship with God/Christ.”
“He came home on fire for the Lord!”